Join us for the members picnic August 13

As usual, several delicious entrees will be provided. Our host, Dan Borracchini, will make the pasta, cooked al dente, and the SPSCA board will be grilling sausages. Everything else is potluck. That means you!
Please contribute a salad, antipasto dish, snacks or a dessert, plus whatever you'd like to drink, both alcoholic and non. RSVP here and tell us what's in your picnic basket and how many guests you are bringing.
The picnic is your chance to meet new members, catch up with old friends and learn what SPSCA has coming up for the rest of 2017. We'll also elect board officers.
We have an opening for a board member this fall. If you'd like to join the board, send an email to Tell us in about 100 words what you can bring to our group as a new board member.
Date: Sunday, Aug. 13, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Address: 33801 SE Courtney Rd
Ravensdale, WA 98051